
All meals are included with your stay at Camp T.

Overnight stays
  • Dinner (bagged meal) is the only meal served on the day of arrival
  • Breakfast is the only meal served on the day of departure
  • Three meals per day, plus snacks, all other days
Day trips
  • Bagged lunches are the only meal provided during your visit
  • One bagged lunch per person
  • Typical contents of a bagged lunch include a turkey sub sandwich, apple, cookie, fruit snacks, chips, and Gatorade.

Eat at White Pine Lodge

  • Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks are served cafeteria style at White Pine Lodge
  • Seats up to 120 people


  • Menus follow the USDA school guidelines
  • A vegetarian option is always available
  • Special requests cannot be accepted unless they relate to medical food allergies; these requests must be documented and submitted with registration

Meal Times

Meal times cannot be deviated from due to food service regulations. Groups are required to arrive to meals on time, or they will not be served.

Breakfast—7:30 a.m.

Lunch—12:00 p.m.

Dinner—5:00 p.m.

Snacks—healthy afternoon snacks are put out after breakfast; healthy evening snacks are put out after dinner