All meals are included with your stay at Camp T.
Overnight stays
- Dinner (bagged meal) is the only meal served on the day of arrival
- Breakfast is the only meal served on the day of departure
- Three meals per day, plus snacks, all other days
Day trips
- Bagged lunches are the only meal provided during your visit
- One bagged lunch per person
- Typical contents of a bagged lunch include a sandwich, vegetables, fruit, a cookie, and milk.
Eat at White Pine Lodge
- Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks are served cafeteria style at White Pine Lodge
- Seats up to 120 people
- Screened porch is attached for outdoor dining
- Porch has refrigerators and microwaves available
- Menus follow the USDA school guidelines
- A vegetarian option is always available
- Special requests cannot be accepted unless they relate to food allergies; these requests must be documented and submitted with registration
- One day per week, a barbecue meal is available (May through September)
Meal Times
Breakfast—7:30 a.m.
Lunch—12:00 p.m.
Dinner—5:00 p.m.
Snacks—healthy afternoon snacks are put out after breakfast; evening snacks are put out after dinner